this inspired me
:) a lot its simple but it kinda feels like it should be that way :) the emotion is perfect keep it up
this inspired me
:) a lot its simple but it kinda feels like it should be that way :) the emotion is perfect keep it up
Thanks man! I apreciate it! Thanks for listening! Greets, Chris
really good sound but could use more
This is really good so far but i dont think its done i sounds like bagels though so you got that part i think it needs more of a melody and maby vocals also make it longer like 3 minutes most songs are about 3 mins
wheres your singer
this is really good cept you need a singer :) other then that its really good that sax player can really play :) i know not all songs need vocals but i felt this one could use them think about it
I think you have a good start
I think you have really good bass line but now you need a melody i really dont hear one
like i here a countermelody but now you need something moving to make it interesting to hear all you have is chords for the most part and you cant just have all chords :) keep it up i wanna hear what else you can do to this song
THis is really good :)
Yes you can sing a lot of people post stuff on here and just cant sing at all the lyrics are solid and so is the song itself keep it up your so versatile i could see you doing well in film cause not only could you do underscoring but you can do soundtrack as well keep it up
Thanks again bro! I liked your game over loop a lot btw
I agree as well
I think female would be best a relaxing voice that is what you wanna here on a sunday morning the chord prog is good though :) add a melody and its good
Ok i love the 8 measure phrase
Ok this is a really good 8 measure phrase and i love the orchestration plus sound is perfect i hear this on an N64 or ps1 game maby like in one of the mario games with the boos or kingdom hearts even now you need to extend it. im sorry its not long enough to be a loop for a game unless its like a game over theme or something but still not long enough heres what you do repeat the phrase twice then do a different 8 bar phrase and repeat that but modified a little then do the original 16 bar modified silightly so you should have AABB'A'A''
Its really good
Now im gonna judge this based on composition wise as thats all i really care about its really good ;) lol the sound was a bit rocky and the title i dont find fitting it seems more like an after war theme or an ending of a movie that is leading to the 2nd or 3rd of a movie like i could here this at the end of the first narnia movie :)
have i met the next Hans Zimmer
:) this is really good you definitely need to go into film music this is perfect for a movie maby tex/mex or something of that sort its always refreshing to hear scoring thats not orchestral i mean dont get me wrong i love orchestral scoring but is nice every once and awhile
Thanks! And of course if you like it, you're more than welcome to use it in whatever flash production you're working on. As for going into the film music industry, I'm waiting for John Williams to retire/die so that I can stand a better chance.
Joined on 6/7/07